.. _features: Features ******** At its core *effectus* * identifies :meth:`whether <.Effects.pareto>` a pareto distribution is present. [#f1]_ * identifies the **most relevant cause-effect relationship** (:term:`Vital Few`). [#f1]_ * identifies the :meth:`Rule 50/5 ` or a variant of it (related but not identical to :term:`Useful Many`). [#f2]_ * determines :meth:`causes ` and :meth:`effects ` for any given share of effects and causes, respectively. * identifies the **separating value** for the :term:`Vital Few`. [#f3]_ * assesses the change af the :term:`arithmetic mean ` and the :term:`standard deviation ` for the split of the :term:`Vital Few` and the :term:`Useful Many`. Builtins ======== * :ref:`Intervals ` module: Allows for any interval of causes or effects. * :ref:`Intersection ` module: Automagically intersects pareto distributions of result and effort attributes into ABCD classification and allows to :ref:`add and subtract ` the groups easily. * TBD: :ref:`Nested Pareto distributions ` * :ref:`Throughput Accounting ` * 30 select :ref:`examples ` from real life * :ref:`Excel & CSV interfaces ` * :ref:`Python API `: Fully documented. Performance =========== *effectus* performs well for any number of values (parallel computation; MacBook Air, SSD): ========== ================ values ms for 1k values ========== ================ 0-1000 71-3.3 1000-10000 3.6-2.9 > 10000 3.3-1.4 ========== ================ .. [#f1] Representation of :class:`effectus.Effects` .. [#f2] :meth:`effectus.Effects.the_rule`. .. [#f3] :meth:`effectus.Effects.separate_causes` & :meth:`effectus.Effects.separate_effects`.